How to Write a Successful Corporate Tech Blog

A well-written and engaging blog can show customers that you understand them, and the business you’re in. Good blog content can act as a customer service, and help promote what you do, or sell whatever you have to offer.

Creating a successful technology blog means writing about topics that interest the public, and making sure they’re accurate, timely, and presented in a memorable style. This guide should help.

What’s Your Motivation?

The passion or need that drives you will help determine which topics you write about. Your level of commitment will influence how much depth you go into, and how much background or supporting information you provide.

If you’re looking to gain a reputation as an expert, you’ll need in-depth articles, and discussions that benefit your readers. Choose topics about which you are knowledgeable, and try to provide more information than other technical bloggers you research online.

If you’re blogging to earn money, choose companies that offer products or services you feel confident that you can blog about.

Discover Your Voice

Set a tone for your blog – preferably, in plain English. Yes, it’s tech, but try not to dazzle them, with complicated terminology. As far as possible, explain things in terms a layman can understand.

Avoid focusing solely on technical matters. A well-rounded blog usually includes a degree of opinion and personality. Talk about problems and issues that face your business, or the industry at large – and what your organisation plans to do to address them.

And don’t be afraid to show more of yourself. Let your enthusiasm for the material show. Tell your readers a little about how you operate. Customers will look for honesty in your approach – and evidence that the industry inspires you.

Know Your Audience

Ask yourself:

  • Who are my readers? What do they do?
  • How did those readers reach my blog? (Search engines? Online forum? Other blogs referring to my posts?)
  • What are my readers searching for? What do they really want to know?
  • Did they find all the information they were expecting?  (If not, that’s your cue to write a new blog post.)

To help you learn more about your readers, follow search engine terms and referrals on a daily basis.

Content should be user-centred (dealing with your users’ problems and priorities), and presented in clear, accessible language.

Do Your Research

Consult other sources – even if you know a lot about a subject. Follow the technical news. Read publications about technology, to discover the most recent developments. There are numerous videos on the Web and TV about technology; watch them.

Find relevant thought leaders. Follow tech companies and other related professionals. Discuss emerging technologies, and cultivate a list of blogs you like to read.

Each time you get an idea for a blog post, look up the topic online, to get a feel for the quality and number of articles that have been written about it. This will help you structure or modify the post you’re about to write – and determine how much additional information you require.

Draw Them In

A bold, eye-catching headline will lure readers into your body text. Use headings and sub-headings as a roadmap through the article, and to let readers skip to the parts they find most interesting

You’ll need to create a meta-description, or concise summary of your page’s content. Most search engines set a limit of 160 characters for your post description on their results pages. If your meta-description is less than that, you’ll see the full description.  Otherwise it will be cut off after the first 160 characters.

Pictures are important, too. Photographs should complement your headline, and convey the overall feeling of your post. If the images can spark off curiosity or raise a smile, even better.

Content Rules, Okay?

Look to provide information that technologists crave, like tutorials, new developments, and ingenious software solutions. Try to make every post as interesting and useful as possible.

Make it easy for users to find your content through your titles, keywords, metadata, and links to related material. Tailor your content and presentation to your users’ reading level. Spin old ideas in new ways, and consider multimedia elements like video, or podcasting.

Make it dynamic. Provide a call to action, a place to comment, an invitation to share, links to related content, or a direct summary of what to do.

Be An Authority

You’ll doubtless see other bloggers writing on topics similar to yours. You can use this as an opportunity to see what did and didn’t work for them, and to write yours in a way that makes it stand out in the crowd. The aim is to become the “go-to” person, in a given subject area.

If you’re writing as an expert, you’ll have to go that extra mile. Do extensive research, provide more detailed information, and include sources and links to other pages.

Sustain a Dialogue

Talk about your customers, your staff, and even your competitors if they’re relevant to your post – and mention them, by name.

Even if the blog has you as sole administrator, be sure to include your name, title, and a way for readers to contact you.

Read and respond to all comments made by your readers. This will sustain a connection with them, and may even provide you with fresh ideas.

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