How to Avoid the Most Common Twitter Marketing Mistakes?

Twitter can be a potential goldmine for internet marketers, but if you error, you hinder your possibilities for sales. The following are a few Twitter marketing mistakes you should avoid.

If you don’t use a photo in your Twitter profile, you are making a mistake that takes away from your credibility. When you add a real picture to your profile, you become more believable and people find it easier to trust you. Your picture is also an important way for people to identify you so your face becomes familiar to them. If you want a simple way to upgrade your Twitter reputation, this is how. Don’t add a random picture of your product or your company logo because here you’re aiming at creating a personalized relationship. Twitter users are tired of all the spam, so you should go out of your way to be up front and ethical. You’ve overcome much of your struggle if you can just get people on Twitter to trust you. This may not sound that significant, but it actually has a lot to do with the results you can expect.

Another mistake that is commonly made by people on Twitter is that they think they will just get followers without having to put forth any real effort. Don’t wait for followers to drop in, but instead start putting in the work to follow people in your niche so that they can follow you back. Is that confusing? It’s simple: you want people who are part of your targeted market to follow you.

So if you start to follow someone, they are notified about it and then usually look you up and follow you back. A practical idea is to follow an expert in your field who has a lot of followers himself and follow him too. It is a whole get and give kind of relationship that helps you succeed. If you are just going to sit around and wait for people to follow you then you are going to be waiting for a long time.

Don’t make the mistake of presenting a corporate image in front of your target audience. They want to see that you are an authentic person who can easily be contacted. People don’t join Twitter to be in contact with large companies or organizations. They instead want a human touch that they can relate to. This is how you can increase your effectiveness on Twitter as people feel like you are someone they can relate to. Above all, it will give you an opportunity to send out promotional tweets and make them look like friendly recommendations. In short, if you want your Twitter followers to like you and actually respond back to your offers, then give your marketing efforts a real, human touch.

In conclusion: this article outlines very common and easily avoided mistakes; all you have to do is be conscious of them and you should be fine. If you are smart you will keep an eye out for mistakes like these so that you can avoid them.

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