I write blogs all day every day. It’s what I do and how I make my living. All the websites I write for have SEO as their top priority – and I’ve seen a lot of websites. If you’re reading this, then you’re probably a blogger too, perhaps wondering why your blog or blogs are, no matter what you try, still ever slipping down SERP rankings, or not quite enjoying the level of success that you thought you’d achieve. Well, the fact is, it’s possible that you might well be making one or several of the following mistakes, which is why I’ve made this list in the first place. So, let’s take a look at what the most common SEO mistakes are, so you know what to avoid the next time you sit down at your computer.
1. Don’t Write Too Much (Or Too Little)
Everyone knows that content is king – and it is. But what you have to realise is that optimising the quantity of your content is just as important as optimising the quality of it. If you’re writing the same old stuff every day, then your followers are simply going to get bored of it, and some will indeed stop following you altogether. There is a balance, but 2 excellent blog posts a week is far better for your SEO than the same old crap regurgitated every single day. This will be boring for you, I’m sure, so what makes you think that it will be ay more exciting for your readers?
As for the length of blog posts – well in this case, it doesn’t always pay to be too short on words. If you think about it, Google is a research tool, and so longer posts, it thinks, will be more likely to have the answers to a user’s search query than shorter ones. Orbit Media Studios also note that longer posts get linked to more – another great thing for SEO. They say that the optimum length for a blog posts is 1500 words, and provide this table for all other metrics
2. You Don’t respond to Comments
This is a big no no. You must respond to every single comment that you receive if you want your readers to feel acknowledged and appreciated. If you don’t do this, they will firstly stop engaging with you, and secondly they might well get the hump and stop following you altogether – a smaller following is bad news for your SEO.
3. You focus Too Much On SEO That Your Content Suffers
Yep, people still do this. It should be well known by now that the best way to encourage more readers to your site is not all about it getting found quickly by Google by stuffing each post with so many keywords that the thing is practically illegible. Don’t do this. Not least because search engines absolutely hate this these days anyway, but because anyone who actually manages to find your spammy posts will not want to read them anyway – they won’t link, they won’t share, they’ll just leave.
4. You Don’t Link To Relevant Content
Linking to other sites is just as important as getting links to yours. There used to be the thought that by including links in your posts that you were essentially steering readers away from your own site. This is a very outdated view. In fact, Google takes careful notice of sites that you are linking to, and considers the popularity and relevance and PageRank and Domain Authority and a whole host of other things of that site too. If you’re linking to other quality content then you are boosting your SEO. It’s a s simple as that. Remember, you are supposed to writing for your readers, and if you can direct them towards something useful, then you are doing them a favour, and Google likes that, and rewards you with some nice SEO points.
5. You Don’t Make Friends With Other Bloggers
Blogging is about community, and whilst you are desperately focussing only on what it is that you’re trying to say, you’re forgetting the greater online society all around you. Not only is it important to reach out to your readers, but to other bloggers, too – even if they might seem like they will be your competitors. Indeed, there will undoubtedly be other bloggers out there commenting on the very same things that you are, and therefore their audience will probably be interested in your blog, too, and of course vice versa. Help each other out. Sometimes co-operation is better than competition.
So there are the top 5 SEO mistakes that bloggers make. There are of course countless others, but try and avoid these as a start and you’ll soon see your traffic improving.