I’ve seen social media used for all sorts of things, getting news to go viral, getting to say hi even to boring friends and worse of all complaining if the presidents suit is made tan and why he should be wearing such (can you imagine that )
Going social is a stepping stone in the right direction if you have to increase online publicity for your service.
For me having a social media presence is key to increasing my web traffic, not only that getting quality juice backlinks.
So if you need to be online, protect yourself from negative comments, law suits, insults, your pockets, then learn to tread carefully on social media.
20 Things You Should Never Share On Social Media
- Waking up in the morning and sharing photos space about the Gaza war.
- Chanting war songs on Sunday before heading to church
- Sharing images of you shaving armpit
- Sharing your holiday escapades pictures
- Why on earth will you welcome dad and mum back from New York, keep it cool to yourself.
- Your dating and family remains your problems
- Don’t share your secret questions and answers especially on paypal
- Who gives a damn about breakfast you had
- You got to work late so?
- You can’t make it to work, dare not share photos of the party you attended today.
- Your friend owes you then you let the world know.
- Your dog just pissed on the rug.
- Stop sending ‘hate you’ messages to rivals or friends
- Stop wishing , wishing online could be a boring
- Images and videos of your children or siblings
- Your views on religion, race, politics, remains with you
- Don’t make the world know you’re dump with ideas
- Don’t share your plan you will be sick
- You are buying a new item like a house
- if you don’t feel comfortable don’t share
You can send more ideas about what should not be shared on social media below